References: Types of Systems, Clients & Productions - Industrial automated painting units


Installed systems

Painting of plastic components, electrostatic painting, pre-treatment, anti-fog systems, lenses and car lights coating systems, liquid-painting units, painting and washing systems, polypropylene painting, ABS painting, polycarbonate painting, powder painting lines, car bumpers painting systems, …


We support our customers all around the world!
Besides Europe, our systems are working in Asia, United States and North America.

Clients & Productions

General Industry

Fashion clothing accessories, High Technology components, Plastic parts, Plastic components


Car interiors, Rear Mirrors, Rear lamps, Front Lamps

Car exterior parts, Electronic devices, Anti-fog, Hard Coating

Car bumbers: Ferrari, Maserati, FIAT, Ford, Kia, Lancia, ...

Varnish Tech painting systems’ features

  • Focus on the competitiveness of our Clients, whether they paint their own products or work on behalf of a third party.
  • Great performances, excellent solutions and technologies conceived for large plants, also available for the small ones
  • Flexibility of the painting line, both for supports (polymers, ferrous materials, plastics, ecc.) and volumes
  • Batches of finished pieces are guaranteed in the expected quantity and at the agreed quality, at the best price on market.

More in deep

Painting Systems

competitive and efficient

with Varnish Tech technologies


Patents & Leadership

our know how

Our Machinery Around The World

Typologies and clientele

our references

you are welcome to visit our varnishing systems, ask for information about tax breaks, or simply talk business.

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+39 0321 809854

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Our systems from the varnishers’ point of view: production lines are flexible - also for the purposes of the single support -, and reliable: the finished workpieces result in the exact preset amount and quality, at the best market price.

Varnish Tech Clients paint for

automotive brands using VarnishTech equipment

Varnish Tech Painting technology

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